Thursday, November 26, 2009

2012 - We Were Warned

The ads runup to 2012 the movie had a big picture cut out of tsunami rolling down onto earth.

 It was impressive and scary. Released on November 13, 2009 it's about a scientist in India who found out the earth metal plate is moving faster than thought. He told his friend, Adrian Hemsley from the United States and this was reported to his boss straight away. The US president was informed and he deliberated with other world leaders on the issue of the world coming to an end.
What happened next were a few scenes which you will figure out only towards the end of the movie.
The actual acapolyse happened soon in the show. The earths rumbled and crumbled. People, houses, cars and others were swallowed very quickly into its stomach.
All of these gave such tension to the viewers, they might wonder if the earthquake will flow into the cinema itself.
As the president of the US found out himself, even if the earthquake left some souls alive the next big natural disaster came along TSUNAMI left no stones unturned.
While all this was happening, Jackson Curtis was trying to rekindle with his children and somehow managed to save them, his ex-wife and her new husband. All bundled into an aeroplane (how else do we escape earthquakes?) they headed for the secret place that the government had built which Jackson found out from a wacky end-of-world broadcaster.
The sea of human trying to get into the "thing" (find out for yourself by watching the movie) that would save them was moving. It displayed some government official's selfish decisiont which eventually was overcome by other leaders.
On the light side, somebody who looked like Queen Elizabeth was seen with her pet dog hurrying into the saviour craft.
When natural disasters of this quantum occur it is time for miracles to survive as Adam Lambert sings.
The show is for 2 hours and 40 minutes and stars John Cusack (Jackson Curtis), Chiwetel Ejiofor (the US scientist) and Danny Glover (US president).

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